
What Would You Answer?

Think about this:

Let's say that you have come so far in life, you have worked so hard, you have a nice career, a nice job, you have been able to buy your own house,  you have a nice car, you have so much things in that house; which  you have bought within time that you might not remember that you even have one thing in particular.

You can say you have bought your own happiness, your own independence, your own stability in life,

but ....

Imagine that the day has come for you to be in front of God, he is doing an inventory of your life here on earth before you go into eternity and and he asks you, what did you do with my son Jesus Christ? and what did you do with what I have given you? 

First, I think we need to reflect on whether we have accepted Jesus in our lives, if we accepted what he did for us, if you learned to love him and trust him. Take in mind that God will not ask you anything about your religion, which doctrine do you incline towards the most. 

Second, we need to think what we have done with our live, our talents, talents he has gifted us with, the opportunities, relations and resources which he has given you? Have you made good use of them? Did you use them for yourself or for Gods' purpose?

What would you answer?

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