A Prayer To Be Used By God

"Lord, You are the Creative God. If You can mix dirt and spit to fashion a man and breathe life into him so that he become a living soul...
      If You can take the stick Moses used to shepherd
      (and that stick was a snake at heart)

      and make it split the sea and bring water from a rock…

            If You can empower a rock from a dry wadi slung
            from a teenager’s sling to kill the giant Goliath…

                   If You can speak through a dumb donkey
                   to rebuke a wayward prophet…

            If You can take a lad’s brown bag lunch of a few
            simple loaves of bread and some small fish to feed
            a coliseum-sized crowd…

      If you could use fisherman and demoniacs
      and women of ill-repute and murderers…

…then surely You can use me!”

By:encouraging word.